Dymchurch and District Sea Angling Boat Angling
Launching from Dymchurch offers many opportunities for boat anglers. There is a wide and varied choice of marks to fish that are in easy distance of the slipway for most fast small angling boats. Good fish can be caught within sight of the slipway at certain times of the year and there is good mixed fishing from rough ground just 4 miles steam from Dymchurch. This area, known as the East Roads is fished throughout the year, and bait fishing at anchor can turn up a good variety of species including cod, whiting, dogfish, smoothhounds, pouting, bass and good numbers and size thornback ray.
The East Roads rough ground is a good place for newcomers or novices to start as it is in easy reach of the slipway and usually provides good sport. In the spring and summertime many anglers concentrate their efforts on the many wrecks that are also within easy reach, either drifting for bass, pollack and cod or anchoring for conger and black bream which have been found in increasing numbers in recent years. Those with larger boats can reach the Varne and Bullock banks where it is possible to catch cod, plaice and turbot, as well as collect live sandeels for bass fishing.
From September onwards most anglers concentrate their efforts on the cod. As well as the East Roads mark boats may opt to head for the famous Dungeness cod marks which are just 5 miles steam from the slipway. Both marks usually produce consistent catches of cod through to the end of December, sometimes longer. In recent years many large cod in excess of 30lb have been caught local to the club with the largest recorded tipping the scales at 40lb 14oz.