Dymchurch  and District Sea Angling Launch Facilities

Dymchurch offers one of the best beaches from which to launch along the entire South Coast and is an ideal location when fishing the many marks available in Hythe Bay and beyond. Its central location within the bay allows boat anglers to fish marks between Folkestone and Dungeness with ease.

There are numerous wrecks within easy reach of the slipway. Boats launch via the concrete slipway onto the sandy beach, typically 3 hours before to 3 hours after high water. This gives a useful 6 hour fishing window, and launching on an flooding tide and retrieving when the water is ebbing off the beach makes launching both safe and easy.

The club owns 2 David Brown 990 tractors for launching. These tractors allow for easy launch and retrieve of all boats including the larger craft which operate from club and thus removed the need to use your personal car on the beach. New members are required to take a simple lesson in the use of the tractors when they join the club.






Copyright © Dymchurch & District Sea Angling Club 2007-2017